Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday Morning!

We had an incredibly lazy fun weekend spent with each other and friends. I was not feeling well but seem to be doing better now. Saturday we took the boys to firstenburg for family swim and both the boys braved the slide with Dad.
Saturday night we had dinner at some friends house and we got home about 9:30ish put the boys to bed and guess what time we all slept until Sunday???...the best part of our weekend...10:15! John and were shocked, did I say shocked. When do the parents of little ones get to sleep in like that? Joshua however had woken up sometime in the A.M. and went downstairs to pour everyone some coffee creamer and then made himself a house with all the pillows from the couch and went back to sleep.


Mandajuice said...

That is AWESOME! I think Alex woke us up at 7AM the next day.

We always have such a blast with you guys!

Christina Carnoy said...

I'm glad you got to sleep in! yay!

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