Monday, May 5, 2008

Bella Beach

We are back! We had a great time at the Beach this weekend. Austen did wonderful, it appears he really needed the time with just Mommy and Daddy because his attitude and behavior is refreshed.
Now, as for Mommy and Daddy, I wouldn't say this trip was refreshing but it was very fun....we stayed up too late every night playing games with our friends; which was a ton of fun; Explored Depoy Bay and a bit of Lincoln City and ate too much food. By yesterday afternoon we weren't sure we would make it to bedtime.....we were both completely exhausted... Obviously getting rest was not what this trip was going to be about!

A few highlights from the trip:
  1. A morning walk on the Beach
  2. Snuggling with Austen- he slept with us some and snuggled between us to watch cartoons On Sunday morning. It was the BEST!!
  3. John and I both enjoyed the company of our friends..a lot!
  4. We ate and ate!!
  5. Games, games, games
  6. We took Austen in the Hot tub....he sure loved that!
  7. Air hockey
  8. On the way home we stop a bit for wine tasting and bought a bottle on wine....which we plan to enjoy with a fun meal we can make together.
On our return Joshua was very excited to see us... We missed him a ton too. Grandma spoiled him and us...she had done laundry, washed Joshua's bedding, cleaned the inside of our Microwave and had dinner for us to eat. Grandma was happy to spend time with Joshua but she was tired!
And we can't forget the flowers that awaited us when we arrived.....THANK YOU JOSHUA!!


Christina Carnoy said...

yay for good times at the beach. I just had to say, OH MY GOSH Joshua looks so much like John in those glasses. Talk about a "Mini-me"!!!

Beya said...

Glad you had a great time! Yes, us grandmas do get tired. :)

Trina G. said...

So glad you had a fun time. You need a few day off to recooperate from your fews days off. (however, do mom's REALLY get days off???)

Nothing can beat a mom's cleaning job. Microwave???? SO COOL!

So sweet to have flowers waiting for you.

Eating nutritionally and living naturally on a budget is my vision for my family