Monday, August 6, 2007

Nehalem Bay Camping Trip

Sand CastlesSand Castles, originally uploaded by johnandtana.

Can you say Monkey, Monkey, Monkey?? Joshua can!! This weekend went camping at Nehalem Bay and it was a blast!! :) Let me start by saying, Nehalem Bay is nothing short of being family friendly. They have bike trails, a playground, a great beach, bathroom facilities and THE VERY BEST trees for little monkey's to climb! Joshua spent most of the first day climbing in the trees pretending to be a monkey. The rest of the trip was spent going on walks, exploring the woods, playing at the park, learning to kick a soccer ball, building sand castles at the beach and roasting marshmellows with Dad, did he ever love that. Austen enjoyed watching Joshua play and he too loved watching dad build a fire which he watched with amazment. There is nothing more satisfing than seeing your little ones so excited over the simple getting to sleep in a tent?? Needless to say, much fun was had by all and we are looking forward to at least one more camping trip this summer!

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