Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some exciting news to share.

It has been a while since I have made a post. Where does the time go? Some changes to announce in the Davis household.

My husband, John got a new Job!! The opportunity presented itself and John took it. WOHOO!! I am so excited to watch him flourish in this new position. So, maybe the original plans we had in mind will be put on hold for a season.

Plus, I'm turing 30 in a few days. September 4th to be exact. Those two number didn't seem like a lot until now.

Summer is coming to an sad. But, we sure have enjoyed the cool summer nights outside on our patio furniture (thanks to some good friends of ours!! :)).

Oh, and I got baptized!! That's right. We were swimming with some friends who happened to be moving out of state the next day and viola. It was a very special moment for me and I couldn't think of a better way to have spent our last night with these dear friends. Thanks guys!!

Well, both of my boys are napping now so guess what I am going to do?? TAKE A NAP TOO! Or at least attempt one if not some rest and relaxation in my bed would be just as good.


Mandajuice said...

That's awesome, Tana! When does he start the new job?

Tana said...

He started last Monday!

Eating nutritionally and living naturally on a budget is my vision for my family