Tuesday, July 31, 2007

His Peace which transcends all understanding

will guard my heart & my mind. The Lord gives me his perfect peace which is not the peace the world gives. So, I should not be troubled and not be afraid. But, I am. A heart at peace gives life, life to the body. I want life!! I should not worry about my life, what I will eat, where I will live, what I will do tomorrow...isn't life more important than that?? But, isn't that we humans or should I say I do best, worry. I want to sow his words of peace deep into my heart.

All right Lord, I am presenting my petitions, requests and prayers to you! (RIGHT NOW!!!)

A Summer tradition

My friend, Sarah and our boys have this wonderful tradition of getting sushi and then going to the park. I think this will be the tradtion I remember this summer by. The sad, yet wonderful part is that Sarah is moving!!!. They have a wonderful opportuniy and I am so excited for them!! But, I am going to miss her so (so so much)...and seriously who will I eat sushi with??? I think it's all sinking in about now.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The cup seems to be working.....

I have been having success with "the cup"...Wohoo! We have tried 2 times this weekend and Austen seems to really enjoy drinking water from the "the cup". Infact, he waits eagerly for more....this is a wonderful milestone. I am going to keep doing this through this week and next week we will try breastmilk, formula or even juice and see how that goes over! Mama may just get a day out with her girlfriends by the time her Birthday comes :)

Thank you for all the helpful advice!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No thanks, MOM!

Well, there is really no tale to tell. I didn't end up needing to give Austen a bottle....I did however try! The fluids they were using for testing were not being injected into my bloodstream so they said I wouldn't have to pump & dump. This was quite a relief to me. Because, he just wouldn't have it! Now, I love breastfeeding my little guy but now that he is almost 8 months I would like to be able to have a night out or a day out. I want to have lunch and go shopping with a girlfriend or get a facial & a bodywrap...that's not a lot to ask is it?? I know my time will come in just a few more months! :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Today is the day, HE MUST learn to take the bottle!

I'm going in for some testing today and won't be able to breastfeed my 8 month old for 24 hours. We have tried giving him a bottle in the past but has been resistant to taking it. As you can imagine I'm very nervous about how my little guy is going to react to this sudden change. But, he has been doing very well the last 2 weeks with solids so I know he isn't going to starve. Pray for us, wish us luck and any advice would gladly be received to help us through the process!

I will be posting on our experience in 24 more hours!! :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This weeks offering....

For those that don't know I have been attending weight watcher meeting for about the last 8 weeks and currently I'm working towards becoming a life time member!!! WOOHOO!! I have 3 1/2 weeks to go.....this has been a personal goal of mine and one I plan on keeping for a lifetime! My leader sends out weekly emails that inspire and keep you focused on the task at hand. I though this weeks offering was particularly interesting and wanted to pass it along.

It's a lot to digest but read it all. Enjoy :)

Anti-obesity initiatives failing to bear fruit
Government not persuading kids to eat well, studies show
Associated Press - Originally published July 5, 2007 PANORAMA CITY, Calif. //

The federal government will spend more than $1 billion this year on nutrition education -- fresh carrot and celery snacks, videos of dancing fruit, hundreds of hours of lively lessons about how great you will feel if you eat well.

But an Associated Press review of scientific studies examining 57 such programs found mostly failure. Just four showed any real success in changing the way kids eat -- or showed any promise as weapons against the growing epidemic of childhood obesity.

"Any person looking at the published literature about these programs would have to conclude that they are generally not working," said Dr. Tom Baranowski, a pediatrics professor at Houston's Baylor College of Medicine who studies behavioral nutrition.

The results have been disappointing, to say the least:

• Last year, a major federal pilot program offering free fruits and vegetables to schoolchildren showed fifth-graders became less willing to eat them than they had been at the start. Apparently, they didn't like the taste.

• In Pennsylvania, researchers went so far as to give prizes to schoolchildren who ate fruits and vegetables. That worked while the prizes were offered, but when the researchers came back seven months later, the kids had reverted to soda and chips.

• In studies in which children tell researchers they are eating better or exercising more, there is usually no change in blood pressure, body size or cholesterol measures; they want to eat better, they might even think they are, but they're not.

The studies don't tell Leticia Jenkins anything she doesn't know. She had her seventh- and eighth-graders chop tomatoes, onions, jalapenos and limes for a lesson on salsa and nutrition.

Still, she understands the futility of what she is trying to do.

"Oh, it's so hard, because at the end of the day sometimes I take a moment, I think, 'Gosh, I did all this, and we still see them across the street picking up the doughnuts and the coffee drinks,'" she said.

Nationally, obesity rates have nearly quintupled among 6- to 11-year-olds and tripled among teens and children ages 2 to 5 since the 1970s, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The medical consequences of obesity in the U.S. -- diabetes, high blood pressure, even orthopedic problems -- cost an estimated $100 billion a year. Kentucky cardiologist Dr. James W. Holsinger Jr., nominated as the next surgeon general, says fighting childhood obesity is his top priority.

The challenges to changing the way children eat are as numerous as the factors that have prompted the obesity epidemic in the first place.

The forces that make kids fat "are really strong and hard to fight with just a program in school," said Dr. Philip Zeitler, a pediatric endocrinologist and researcher who sees "a steady stream" of obese children struggling with diabetes and other potentially fatal medical problems at the Children's Hospital in Denver.

The obstacles are daunting:

Experts agree that although most funding targets schools, parents have the greatest influence, even a biological influence, over what their children will eat. Zeitler says when children slim down, it's because "their families get religion about this and figure out what needs to happen."

But often, they don't.

"If the mother is eating Cheetos and white bread, the fetus will be born with those taste buds. If the mother is eating carrots and oatmeal, the child will be born with those taste buds," said Dr. Robert Trevino of the Social and Health Research Center in San Antonio.

"If we don't reach a child before they get to puberty, it's going to be very tough to change their eating behavior," said Trevino.

Poorer kids are especially at risk, because unhealthy food is cheaper and more easily available than healthy food. Parents are often working, leaving children unsupervised to get their own snacks. Low-income neighborhoods have fewer good supermarkets with fresh produce.

"If Mom can't find tomatoes in her local grocery store, nothing is going to change," said Zeitler.

Meanwhile, it's harder for children to exercise on their own. Parks often aren't safe, and sports teams cost money. "Calorie burning has become the province of the wealthy," said Zeitler. "I fear that what we're going to see is a divergence of healthy people and unhealthy people. Basically ... it costs money to be healthy."

Children ages 8 to 12 see an average of 21 television ads each day for candy, snacks, cereal and fast food -- more than 7,600 a year, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study. Not one of the 8,854 ads reviewed promoted fruits or vegetables.

Makes you see things a little differently huh??

Eating nutritionally and living naturally on a budget is my vision for my family