Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ramblings of Joshua this weekend

Saturday on our Coffee date: I'm not Brother. I'm Joshua Davis!
Saturday afternoon: Jesus is a bulider. He built this house with a hammer and a screw!
Sunday morning: Jesus made your eyes Mom. He made my eyes and my teeth and this (he was pointing to his pee pee) I said, Yes he did Joshua he made you a boy!
It's so fun watching them become verbal!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tonight is our 1st soccer pratice!

I can't tell you how excited I am about Joshua starting soccer. He just loves his cleats, shin guards, shorts, socks, ball! The name of his soccer team is called, The Rockets...suits him perfectly! He will have pratice on Tuesday nights (this week just happens to be a Thursday) and his games will be on Saturday's.
His first game is April 5th at 1pm. I'm really hoping he has fun with this and will want to stick with it!!! It will be great exercise as well as a good outlet!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Austen's Broken Arm

Broken Arm, originally uploaded by johnandtana.

This picture is over due but here he is!

Happy Easter!!!

IMG_3061.JPG, originally uploaded by johnandtana.

My made from scratch contribution to our Easter Sunday! What fun I had making this cake and tasted very yummy too!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The cutest thing! Joshua has been into cheering with his cup for the last few months. I just showed Austen how to cheer (what was I thinking?) and it is so cute to watch him. He holds up his cup we cheer and then he laughs! (over and over) Too cute.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Wallet update!

Thanks for all your prayers. Although, my wallet has not been found I was able to get some of the money on my gift cards back. I found receipt's with the remaining balance and account info and called the stores and they took care of it for me.(for the record I normally don't keep things like this in my wallet but I was planning to go shopping..go figure) What a blessing! Getting my drivers license was super easy and the boys did GREAT while we waited.
As for the rest I know it will be returned to me in some form or another some day soon! While, I miss my wallet it's just another lesson about how fleeting the things of this earth was only a material possession.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Our Joshua!!

Can you say, "ARMY GUY"! Well, that's what's in around our house currently. Which really translates to cameo anything and everything, jacket, pants, boots. The first thing Joshua wants to do when he wakes up in the morning is put all these things on himself nonetheless. Yesterday, he kept spotting the army guy clothes..look mom, "it's army guy pants, those are cute". It's taken Mom about a week to realize the "army guy" is not going away..which I am totally cool with but investing in some more "army guy stuff" is a must!!
To add, I told John this morning what Joshua wanted to get his Daddy for his Birthday and it is..."I want to give him a bug and then go tickle, tickle". John looks at me with a smile and says, "now did you tell him to give me a bug or was that his idea"?? That's all Joshua!! Apparently, John has found a bug in every pair of shoes he has and just hasn't said anything...he assumed I told the boys to do it!! TOO FUNNY!!!
It's so much fun watching my boys' humor and personalities unfold!! I JUST LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Delayed Gratification ??

I'm curious what my blog readers think on this issue and how they practice their want's? Or do you not?
A few things I have been mulling over are:
1) Is it possible to delay some of the things we would like to have now in exchange for doing something now we need to do now? And Can I choose to be happy with out those things?
2) Is it the concept of "high cost of living" or "the high cost of the way we choose to live".
3) Allowance for children, do you give it? Perhaps, we should ask our children if they would like their allowance now or to wait a week? (If they wait the week why not give them more money for waiting?)
4) Do you have a wish list and how do you prioritize?
5) Maybe, we need to shift our's not about what we can't afford it's about what we choose to afford.
6) How do you gage the cost of your hobbies?
Of course people are more important than our wants. But, I think it goes with out saying that those wants can be all consuming sometimes and what do we do about that? Especially when you are having a rough day and that "thing" sure seems like it would wash the "roughness" away. Or if this room just had a..? Because, all of the choices we make today affect our families lives and future. What is a Mama to do??

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Continuation of our 48 hours...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry?? Seriously. I am keeping in good spirits and laughing for now but if one more thing happens I will surely cry! And this is why....Yesterday Austen broke his arm. YUP!! He fell about 2ish feet off a plastic play structure...he was attempting the slide and I was right there. He is doing fine and has/is such a trooper. He doesn't have a cast on yet but will be getting that on Thursday. For, now it's a splint and Ibuprofen. More details and a pic to come!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The next 48 hours.....

Today my wallet was stolen! SO, STINKS!! I was grocery shopping at WINCO with Joshua and between the distraction of paying, bagging, Joshua and trying to be aware of my surroundings (ie the sketchy couple behind me!). Poof, it was gone. I searched every where and even asked if anyone had turned it in. All I can say is, JUST STINKS, STINKS, STINKS...Tana you had so many things in that wallet ID, bank card, credit cards, health insurance cards. URGE!! Then I remembered all the gift cards I had just put in my wallet and that brought tears to my eyes. I had a $200 to Nordstrom, $60 to Macy's, $20 to Barnes and noble all of which I was saving to buy spring/summer clothes which I really need. Not only that but my husband bought me the wallet for Christmas and it wasn't cheap. The wallet had sentimental value because I truly loved it which just thrilled John when he gave it to me!

Eating nutritionally and living naturally on a budget is my vision for my family