Thursday, January 31, 2008


What Joshua has been saying......
1) Mommy, I want a baby sister. Let's try, okay.
2) Yesterday we were at the store and Joshua sees some cups and goes over to them. Mommy it's a cup for Austen...he was tickled with himself. As we are walking away he runs back and says, Oh, lets wrap this up and give it to Emmy. Then remembers something...goes to get another cup let's wrap this one up for Sydney! Yeah, lets do it!
3) Let's raise our hands, Dear Jesus I pray you heal Austen.
When I get tall I am want to go in a spaceship to mars or I can do that when I get tall?
4) Or this....I want to put my swimsuit on and go down the slide..yeah I want to do that. (Yeah right buddy...he won't even go in the water!)
Austen has been surprising us with some words as well. Of course, my mind is drawing a blank but here is few; Coat, bite, Mom, Dad and bye...he say these very clearly. He also waves goodbye, Is starting to give kisses and loves playing chase.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I miss your boys!!!! I can't wait until the next time I will get to see them and see how much they have changed!

Eating nutritionally and living naturally on a budget is my vision for my family